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Trial Guides Customer Success Story Using Eric Oliver's Facts Can't Speak for Themselves

Trial Guides Customer Success Story Using Eric Oliver's Facts Can't Speak for Themselves

Aaron DeShaw |

We wanted to share a recent customer success story using Eric Oliver's Facts Can't Speak for Themselves:

"When the helicopter company thought they had gotten rid of all their bad facts by stipulating to liability for a crash that all the passengers survived after several hours in the water offshore, Eric helped pinpoint the facts and underlying story that put the defendant back in the spotlight. The defendant thought it was going to be all about "jackpot justice" and a "mountain out of a molehill" for a plaintiff who was barely started in offshore work before the crash and had even been released for work by his own doctor more than almost two years before trial. The final verdict of $2.1 million was almost three times the "best ever" pretrial offer, and many times more than any other passenger had settled for their case. "