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New: Eric Oliver - Case Story Theme Webinar Recording

New: Eric Oliver - Case Story Theme Webinar Recording

Alex Miller |

Introducing a webinar CLE by leading trial consultant Eric Oliver titled Case Story Theme: If Stories Give the Facts Their Meaning, What Gives Meaning to a Case Story?

Many trial attorneys are acquainted with the idea of a case theme. Certainly all trial lawyers know the critical importance of establishing and reinforcing the strongest possible theme for your case story.

In this webinar learn from Eric Oliver, a national expert in persuasive legal communication and author of Facts Can't Speak for Themselves, how to use a focus group to uncover the most effective theme for any case story. Additionally, learn subtle ways of inserting a theme into the delivery of the case story rather than repeating the phrase out loud.

  • Learn to interpret answers to the "theme question" in groups.
  • Find out how properly sequencing a story’s delivery helps decision makers set up and build on a theme
  • Learn the difference between themes, anchors and frames, and how to use the latter two to help decision makers reinforce the former
  • Discover for yourself exactly why declaring your chosen theme aloud may be a big mistake

NOTE: This is not a live/interactive webcast. This is a recorded lecture. This medium may or may not be approved for CLE credit in your state. Please contact your state bar CLE commission for further details. Trial Guides cannot guarantee your receipt of CLE credit in any state.