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New! Error Odds: Exposing the Lack of Accuracy in Malingering Tests

Alex Miller |

Trial Guides introduces Error Odds: Exposing the Lack of Accuracy in Malingering Tests, a continuing legal education webinar recording featuring Dr. Michael D. Freeman, Ph.D., MPH, D.C.

Your client is hurt, but the defense claims that his/her injury could not have resulted from the impact—that your client is malingering. Sound familiar? Join Dr. Michael D. Freeman, noted doctor, expert witness and author of Litigating Minor Soft Tissue Impact Cases for this CLE course on the Error Odds test and the lack of accuracy in malingering tests.

Dr. Freeman will discuss the uses and misuses of probability in expert testimony, and why all malingering tests are inadmissible in court. Learn the method behind exposing the inaccuracy in malingering tests. A must-attend seminar for all attorneys who have litigated MIST cases.

NOTE: This is not a live/interactive webcast. This is a recorded lecture. This medium may or may not be approved for CLE credit in your state. Please contact your state bar CLE commission for further details. Trial Guides cannot guarantee your receipt of CLE credit in any state.