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Trial Guides was established in 2004 as a legal media company that helps civil plaintiff's lawyers win. We provide professional educational materials and continuing education seminars and webinars, and a wide variety of books and media on the practice of law. Our print, digital, audio, and video titles are known for their accessibility, clarity, and unique focus on the practical aspects of legal practice, with proven tactics and strategy from many of the top lawyers and legal consultants from around the country.

In addition to the nation’s leading trial lawyers, Trial Guides products are used by the U.S. Department of Justice, the ACLU, the Global 100 (largest law firms in the world), the American Association for Justice, the Southern Poverty Law Center, and multiple law schools including Stetson’s LL.M. degree in Advocacy (ranked #1 in U.S. News & World Report for Advocacy 19 times).

Trial Guides offers products for lawyers, doctors, paralegals, students, and parties impacted by the legal system. Trial Guides also creates products for members of the public in the areas of insurance, product safety, and business practices.



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