A portion of the proceeds from this program will go to support United Policyholders, a nonprofit whose mission is to be a trustworthy and useful information resource and an effective voice for consumers of all types of insurance in all 50 states.
Government orders related to the pandemic have forced businesses across the United States to cease operations. As their losses mount, businesses need expert guidance and representation to enforce their rights to collect all policy benefits that are available to them under any and all policies they may have in force.
As these businesses turn to lawyers, their success in recovering insurance funds to offset their losses will depend on the strength of the arguments and pleadings advanced on their behalf. COVID-19 claim outcomes will depend heavily on rulings in the cases against insurers that are already underway, the new cases that are being filed daily, and the multi-district consolidated proceedings to come.
In keeping with Trial Guides dedication to providing cutting-edge insights and practical guidance to attorneys, we are proud to offer a program featuring two experts whose names are synonymous with effective policyholder representation: Amy Bach, a nationally respected advocate and voice for the insured, a founder of United Policyholders, and curator of the organization’s COVID-19 Loss Recovery library; and Chip Merlin, founder and president of the Merlin Law Group which has offices in 8 states and focuses exclusively on representing policyholders in claim and coverage matters, and publisher of the Property Insurance Law Blog that thousands of litigators rely on to stay current.
This program covers:
- Analyzing business policies that come into your office and making your firm’s game plan
- Is the “V” word (Virus) the ultimate coverage killer?
- Civil authority and other grounds for coverage
- What arguments and causes of action are litigators advancing that have prevailed or failed in similar scenarios?
- Best practices for nonspecialists to get up to speed and/or refer COVID-19 coverage matters to experienced policyholder counsel
Click here for Access Instructions for On Demand Programs.
Each user must register individually as they will need their own login to access the event and comply with CLE requirements.
On Demand Program: 97 minutes plus 23 minutes of Q&A
Original Air Date: 05/28/2020