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Maximizing Auto Accident Settlement Offers

Colossus Lawyer Forms CD Duties Under Duress Loss of Enjoyment of Life

Alex Miller |

Nearly 70% of auto accident cases in the U.S. are evaluated by bodily injury claims assessment software.

Now there is a guide that helps you and your clients - triggering thousands of "value drivers," and helping you ethically maximize settlement offers based upon the facts of your clients' cases.

What lawyers do not realize is that most auto insurers are using computer programs to determine their settlement offers in personal injury cases. Medical timeline demand letters do not work because the computer systems are looking for very specific case facts or factors, which are then entered into the computer system, which results in a certain monetary value being set for the settlement offer. If you do not provide the information about these facts, factors or "value drivers" you will not get maximum value for the actual facts of your clients' case.

Colossus: What Every Trial Lawyer Needs to Know by Dr. Aaron DeShaw, Esq., provides plaintiff attorneys guidance on representing clients who's cases will be analyzed by claims assessment software, including Colossus. It is the first and only book of its kind on a topic that the insurance industry has been keeping secret from injured claimants, policyholders and their attorneys. It is the result of over three years of research and investigation, and is based upon adjustor and supervisor interviews, non-protected claims manuals, non-protected Colossus manuals, litigation filings, and even original programming notes from the initial creation of Colossus.

Colossus: What Every Trial Lawyer Needs to Know provides lawyers an insider's view of the medical and legal defects in the programs used by 16 of the top 20 auto insurance companies in the United States. It combines legal and medical guidance and resources you can use to improve settlement offers in your cases.The book includes:

  • An exhaustive list of the companies using the programs.  
  • The most extensive list available of the "factors" used by the programs to determine the settlement offer provided to your clients.  
  • Step-by-step procedures on writing demand letters formatted especially for claims assessment software.
  • Insights into insurance bad faith due to the use of Colossus on claims, including shortcomings in the evaluation methods, and chapters on the improper use of such programs in claims.

The Colossus Legal Forms CD also includes specialized forms (including "Duties Under Duress" and "Loss of Enjoyment of Life" forms) containing all of the factors and sub factors in Colossus for those losses, to help you collect information on the factors of greatest value to Colossus. The Forms CD also includes sample demand letters and a paper by Aaron DeShaw on how to format the demand letter. These forms and demand letter templates will allow you to ethically obtain the maximum settlement offer for your auto cases.

Now there is a guide that helps you and your clients - helping you get the highest settlement offer available for the facts of the client's case.

Buy your copy today.