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Colossus Text Helps You Ethically Maximize Settlement Offers

Colossus Text Helps You Ethically Maximize Settlement Offers

Alex Miller |

Obtain Higher Settlement Offers in Auto Cases

Nearly 70% of auto accident cases in the U.S. are evaluated by claims assessment software. But the insurers have kept these programs, and how they evaluate claims, secret from their own policyholders.  Aaron DeShaw has consolidated three years of research into these programs into a book disclosing the way these programs evaluate your claims, as well as how they fail to properly value your case. 

The book helps you and your clients - triggering thousands of "value drivers" and helping you ethically maximize settlement offers in your cases.

Colossus: What Every Trial Lawyer Needs to Know provides plaintiff attorneys important insights into the insurance claims software that is calculating settlement values.  

Colossus: What Every Trial Lawyer Needs to Know provides lawyers an insider's view of the medical and legal defects in the programs used by 16 of the Top 20 auto insurance companies in the US. It combines expert guidance and resources you can use to win your cases. The book ncludes 

  • An exhaustive list of the companies using the programs including Allstate, Farmers, USAA, American Family, and many more.
  • The most extensive list available of the "factors" used by the programs to determine case value. 
  • Step-by-step procedures on writing demand letters formatted especially for claims assessment software.  DeShaw has created a demand letter format that provides adjustors the information of value in the same way the computer system requires the information.  This is important because many insurers only require adjustors to find information on 60 of the 12,000 “value drivers” provided monetary value for the settlement value calculation.

The book also provides lawyers important information about insurance bad faith claims including that insurers have set the program up to intentionally underpay claims.  The book makes clear that “maximum settlement value” that will be offered to you is only a fraction of what the insurers best adjustors believe the claims are actually worth.  The book details that the only way you can get full and fair value for your cases is to take the case to trial.  Multiple other defects in the program are made clear, thereby supporting litigation for the intentional undervaluation of claims.

The Colossus Legal Forms CD includes client intake forms to obtain the information necessary to obtain  claim value, and specialized forms including Duties Under Duress and Loss of Enjoyment of Life forms to collect information on the factors of greatest value to Colossus.

Buy your copy today.