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$84 Million verdict using Rules of the Road and Reptile

$84 Million verdict using Rules of the Road and Reptile

Alex Miller |

A jury in Dallas County Texas recently returned an $84 million verdict against U-Haul Corporation in a negligence case for failure to inspect, warn of dangers, and repair its trucks. Plaintiff's trial attorneys Marquette Wolf and Ted Lyon of Texas argued the case. This case resulted from the injuries of a man who was crushed by a backwards rolling nineteen-year-old truck. The truck had a broken brake, more than 234,000 miles, a worn out transmission, and a history of mechanical malfunctions resulting in near-miss accidents - all of which U-Haul was aware.

Attorney Wolf patterned his arguments after the "Reptile" research in David Ball and Don Keenan's newest book, Reptile: The 2009 Manual of the Plaintiff's Revolution. When used in conjunction with the technique outlined in Rules of the Road, this research has the power to negate tort reform. Wolf suggested to the jury that corporations must follow the rules, and added that corporations know how to be careful, but only choose to do so when protecting their money rather than people.

The strategy worked, giving Wolf and Lyon a string of trial verdict success stories after applying the combination of Rules of the Road and Reptile. Wolf obtained a $4.6 million verdict in an apartment fire death case, and Mr. Lyon recently used a similar argument in a malfunctioning product case against Ford in which he obtained a $20 million verdict. It is clear that the strategies in Rules of the Road work, and the research in Reptile: The 2009 Manual of the Plaintiff's Revolution shows you how to frame your trial themes for conservative jurors.

You can win your next trial and have a phenomenal success story like Mr. Wolf, Mr. Lyon and countless other trial attorneys across the country by applying the concepts in Rules of the Road and Reptile: The 2009 Manual of the Plaintiff's Revolution. Order today!