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$7.05 Million verdict credited to David Ball's Welcome to the Revolution

$7.05 Million verdict credited to David Ball's Welcome to the Revolution

Alex Miller |

Attorney Chris Stombaugh of Wisconsin recently obtained a $7.05 million verdict on a construction site accident verdict in Iowa. He credits a substantial factor of his success to David Ball's "Uber Rule" discussed in his Trial Guides Welcome to the Revolution CLE.

In his own words:

"I listened to your Trial Guides presentation [Welcome to the Revolution]. My client, a sub-contractor, was injured as a result of OSHA violations of a general contractor and owner. We used the 'Uber Rule:' A general contractor may not needlessly endanger the lives of subcontractors. Then, where there is more than
one safe practical choice, the general contractor must always choose the safest one, as any other choice will needlessly add endangerment to the situation. Finally, I made a number of public policy arguments you have outlined. The application of the "reptile" principles assisted us in having the jury find only 17% liability on the plaintiff and a net verdict of $5.85M. The final defense offer was $250K."

Join David Ball's revolution today by registering for Trial Guides Welcome
to the Revolution CLE June 12-13th at the Hyatt Regency DFW in Dallas,
Texas. This CLE will cover David's use of Rules of the Road, his forthcoming book REPTILE, and the new jury research that will help you win.