Do you currently handle personal injury and automobile accident cases? Are you thinking about expanding your practice to include commercial trucking but are concerned about the complexity of these cases?
It’s well known that commercial trucking crash cases are far more complex than automobile cases. In addition to crash dynamics and reconstruction issues, trucking cases involve unique industry safety and operational standards, a complicated array of insurance issues, and federal and state carrier regulations. In this in-depth seminar, three of the nation’s leading trucking lawyers—Michael Leizerman, Joe Fried, and Morgan Adams—teach you how to navigate the complexities inherent to these cases. This presentation provides the kind of knowledge and expertise that can only be gained through years of successfully representing clients in commercial trucking crash cases.
In the seminar, Leizerman, Fried, and Adams discuss the following and more:
- Preserving evidence—the first steps you need to take
- Understanding black box/event data recorder and telematics
- Identifying all parties and potential sources of insurance
- Improving case intake and investigations—and the cases you shouldn’t turn away
- Understanding key documents and rules and regulations—what you don’t know can hurt you
- Proving standard of care—simple step-by-step processes that the jury and adjusters can understand
- Evaluating the key aspects of different types of accidents—help for the cases in your office now
- Conducting depositions of trucking company representatives more effectively—how win your case before trial
This seminar closes with an hour on best trial practices from Morgan Adams and Michael Leizerman. Don’t miss out on this unique opportunity to increase your ability to better represent injured clients who need your help as they are forced to go through these complicated and often catastrophic cases.
The following videos are included in this package:
- Case Intake & Investigations Part 1
- Case Intake & Investigations Part 2
- Understanding Key Documents
- Rules, Regulations, and Standards of Care
- Left Turn Cases, U-turn Cases, and Preparing for Liability Depositions
- Nighttime and Hazardous Driving Conditions
- Deposition Strategies, Side Swipe Cases, and Lane Change Case
- Deposing the Truck Driver and Best Practices for Truck Crash Cases
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On Demand Program Package: 760 minutes
Original Air Date: 11/02/2018
Approved and Pending Credits
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