In Using the Rules of the Road, Pat Malone, coauthor of Rules of the Road, joins with some of the top plaintiffs’ lawyers and consultants in the country as they offer insights and strategies on a range of topics from case preparation to closing statement.
Malone introduces the Rules of the Road method and offers a variety of practical examples as used by some of America’s leading plaintiffs’ lawyers. Included in this video set are presentations by Patrick Malone, Mike Kelly, Louise Lipman, Jim Lees, Zoe Littlepage, and Cliff Atkinson as they discuss topics such as:
- Creating effective Rules of the Road
- Framing your case to demonstrate the defendant’s deviation
- Working with experts to create and fine-tune your Rules
- The use of storytelling in presenting your Rules of the Road
- Testing and refining your Rules using focus groups
- Visually presenting your case
- Obtaining better testimony by using psychodrama
This video set gives you insider tips on how to improve your use of the Rules of the Road method and strengthen your cases. If you want to learn how to better distill your Rules, focus your case on the most important issues, and maximize your visuals, this is the presentation for you.
Please note: This video recording includes highlights from an exclusive live event. Due to copyright and other restrictions, this DVD set does not include the extensive written materials from the conference. To learn more about our upcoming CLE seminars and events, visit or give us a call at 1-800-309-6845.
DVD: 522 minutes; 6 Discs; 1st edition (2019); ISBN: 9781941007891
Publisher: Trial Guides, LLC
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Day 1: Session 1 with Patrick Malone
- Introduction to the Rules of the Road
- Nine Rules to make the Rules of the Road Method Work for You
- Rules of the Road in Cross-Examination
- Dealing with the Records Review Defense Expert
- Using Medical Society Expert Witness Rules against the Defense Doctor
- Bookending Opening and Closing with Rules of the Road
- Using Rules of the Road in Opening
- Empowering the Jury in Closing Statements
- Q&A
Day 1: Session 2 with Mike Kelly
- Rethinking Opening Statement
- Undermining the Defense in Opening
- Working with the Doctor Who Won’t Agree with Your Rule
- Storytelling in Opening
- Joining Organizations to Understand the Defendant and Find Your Rules
- Start Writing Your Rules Early in the Case
- Using Rules in Medical Malpractice Cases
- Don’t Run from the Defenses
- Look to the Jury Instructions for Rules
- “Reasonable” Refers to Established Rules
- Empowering the Jurors with the Right to Jury Trial
- Sample Case Using Rules: Transportation Case
- Using Metaphors in Advocacy
- Using Analogies
- Using Moe Levine’s Ideas for Framing Issues
- Using Visuals
- Discussing Pain with the Jury
- Wrongful Death Cases
- Explaining Incomplete Compensation
Day 1: Session 3 with Louise Lipman
- Introduction
- Learning about Your Client’s Case with Psychodrama
- Demonstration of Psychodrama
- Psychodrama with a Client
- Thinking through the Client’s Story
- Using Psychodrama to Prepare Yourself and Your Client
- Quantifying what You Learn about the Client
- Q&A
Day 2: Session 1 with Jim Lees
- Introduction
- Understanding the Importance of Focus Groups
- Working with Expert Witnesses Using Rules of the Road
- The Problem with Expert Testimony
- Dedication to the Client
- Do Experts Win Cases?
- The Lawyer Must Create the Theme of the Mediation, Arbitration, or Trial
- The Importance of Story Structure
- Trials Revolve around Normative Belief Theory
- Building the “Deviation Case” against the Defense
- Differentiating Negligence vs. Intentionality in Voir Dire
- Overcoming the Jury Concern That the Defendant’s Conduct Was a “Mistake”
- Using Psychological Concepts in Cross-Examination
Day 2: Session 2 with Zoe Littlepage
- Introduction
- Using Visual Storytelling
- Creating Bold Visuals in Every Case
- Using Visuals in Pretrial Motions
- Different Types of Visuals
- Using Visuals with Rules of the Road
- Using Physical Models
- Using Visuals to Demonstrate Defendants’ “Red Flags”
- Tips on Effectively Using PowerPoint
- What Story is Your Courtroom Telling?
- Case Related Stories
- Having the Client Tell Damages Stories
- What’s Your Power Visual?
- Example Stories
Day 2: Session 3 with Cliff Atkinson
- Introduction
- Screen Use and Lighting during Your Presentation
- Storytelling in Advocacy Using PowerPoint
- Simplicity: The Learning Limitations of Your Audience
- The Three Goals for Presentations
- The Value of Simplicity in Presenting Rules to the Jury
- Using Story Structure in Your Case
- Creating Your Presentation Slides: Demonstration
- Using Your Presentation to Tell Your Client’s Story
- Using Multiple Types of Visuals
- Practical Applications in a Case (Continued)
- Tips for Finding and Using Images for Your Presentation
- Q&A