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Maximizing Limited Voir Dire

An Interview and Q&A with David Ball and Artemis Malekpour

David Ball and Artemis Malekpour



Trial consultants David Ball and Artemis Malekpour offer their best advice for conducting a limited voir dire. They provide valuable strategies on knowing what to talk about and what to avoid, getting the most out of every second you are given, and things you can do outside the courtroom to better succeed inside it. They also cover topics such as:

  • Do not limit jurors to picking one of two sides of a topic when you can give them the ability to go wherever they want
  • Achieving the 90/10 
  • What is a waste of time
  • How to show jurors that you are their guide
  • Identifying what your hot topic issues are
  • How to select the right things to talk about
  • Why you should always submit a motion for improvements in voir dire and tips for how to do it effectively
  • How to get a judge to allow you to use a questionnaire
  • Why focus groups are imperative if you have limited voir dire
  • Why you should be doing online research on your jurors
  • How to get jurors talking
  • The difference between speaking to jurors and the jury
  • The benefits of doing jury selection practice sessions
  • Why you should record yourself during voir dire
  • The importance of slowing down and staying present 
  • How to maximize the use of the information you get

Ball and Malekpour also take listener questions on topics such as:

  • Best practices and common mistakes when researching jurors
  • Things minority attorneys and/or attorneys representing minorities need to keep in mind during voir dire
  • Suggestions for a juror questionnaire when the lawyer is not allowed to ask questions during voir dire
  • Organizational tips 
  • How to best use a mini opening in voir dire
  • Thoughts on improvisation classes
  • Asking about money
  • How to talk to jurors in a polarized political climate

In this interview and Q&A, Ball and Malekpour give valuable advice to help you take voir dire, even in a limited time frame, to the next level. 


Please Note: This product is only offered as an Audiobook. You can access your audiobooks through the Trial Guides App for Lawyers button on your account page.

Click here for further information on Audiobooks

*This interview was originally offered to customers as part of our Trial Guides LIVE Fireside Chat series. The content has been remastered and edited for brevity and clarity.




Audio Digital Download: 109 minutes; 1st edition (2019)

Publisher: Trial Guides, LLC

Maximizing Limited Voir Dire - Trial Guides
Trial Guides

Maximizing Limited Voir Dire


Trial consultants David Ball and Artemis Malekpour offer their best advice for conducting a limited voir dire. They provide valuable strategies on knowing what to talk about and what to avoid, getting the most out of every second you are given, and things you can do outside the courtroom to better succeed inside it. They also cover topics such as:

Ball and Malekpour also take listener questions on topics such as:

In this interview and Q&A, Ball and Malekpour give valuable advice to help you take voir dire, even in a limited time frame, to the next level. 


Please Note: This product is only offered as an Audiobook. You can access your audiobooks through the Trial Guides App for Lawyers button on your account page.

Click here for further information on Audiobooks

*This interview was originally offered to customers as part of our Trial Guides LIVE Fireside Chat series. The content has been remastered and edited for brevity and clarity.



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