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Motor vehicle accidents are the leading cause of accidental death in the United States. A motor vehicle accident happens about once every six minutes; almost 43,000 people died in car accidents in 2021, and early reporting suggests that fatalities in 2022 will be even higher. Given these sobering statistics, every plaintiffs’ attorney must understand these life-changing events from every angle.
An expert-level understanding of car-crash analytics means a clearer understanding of the physics at work, a better sense of what questions to ask your expert witness, and a cross-examination roadmap that flattens the defense’s arguments.
Topics include:
- Spinal injury causation in motor vehicle cases
- Correlation (and lack thereof) between vehicle damage and occupant damage
- Differences between sprains and strains, as well as grading systems for these injuries
- Acceleration differences for the car, lumbar spine, thoracic spine, and head
- Epidemiology of whiplash injuries
- Delayed onset of symptoms after a motor vehicle collision
- Mild traumatic brain injury and Alzheimer’s causation after a motor vehicle collision
Mastering Motor Vehicle Cases II, a three-part lecture series, contains over six hours from the second advanced Trial Guides seminar dedicated to motor vehicle cases and includes elements of crash analysis and reconstruction that are rarely offered to attorneys. With content tailored to the needs of the plaintiffs’ bar, this program is designed to help every attorney take on their next motor vehicle case with confidence.
This auto injury CLE program includes the following presentations:
- Auto Crash Reconstruction (103 minutes)
- Myths and Legends That Never Die (102 minutes)
- Whiplash and Mild Traumatic Brain Injuries Part 1 & 2 (179 minutes)
About the speaker: Dr. Arthur Croft PhD, DC, MSc, MPH, FACO, is a doctor, epidemiologist, and crash reconstructionist. He is considered to be one of the world's leading authorities on traumatic injuries. Dr. Croft coauthored the first textbook on whiplash and has authored or coauthored more than 350 professional papers on whiplash and other medical topics. He is a certified traffic accident reconstructionist and a former medical officer and underwater search and recovery diver for the San Diego Sheriff’s office. Dr. Croft lectures extensively across the United States and abroad, and he teaches an award-winning, four-module program on the traumatic injuries caused by auto accidents. He is the also director of the Spine Research Institute of San Diego.
On Demand Program Package: 386 Minutes
Original Air Date: 06/26/2019