How Good Attorneys Become Great Rainmakers: A Breakthrough Referral Marketing Process

Mark Powers & Shawn McNalis

Format: Paperback
Condition: New
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While many law firms can rely upon repeat business from large corporate or insurance entities, most law firms need a constant flow of new clients to keep the doors open. Regardless of whether your goal is getting any type of case into your office, or getting only the best cases in, a firm must keep client acquisition a top priority to achieve success.

While digital marketing, including social media, has become the preferred marketing method of most law firms, studies by the world’s leading marketing researchers show that word of mouth marketing continues to be the most effective way of securing business. In How Good Attorneys Become Great Rainmakers, Atticus law firm consultants Mark Powers and Shawn McNalis discuss the method Atticus perfected over twenty-five years of obtaining repeat referrals for law firms in every type of legal practice. They discuss a variety of effective marketing methods firms including:

  • Creating a top twenty referral source list
  • Creating “signature events”
  • Twenty-one assets every attorney needs to succeed
  • The benefits of offline social networking
  • And much more


Implementing these practices will help you achieve referrals from untapped resources that other lawyers are likely ignoring.

Note: While digital marketing methods such as web sites, blogging, social media, (and the often elusive goal of a #1 ranking on Google) are discussed, this book does not focus on those methods.


Mark Powers

(no title or photo available)

Shawn McNalis

(no title or photo available)

Paperback: 326 pages; 1st edition (2009); ISBN: 978-1615840816
Publisher: Atticus®, Inc.
  1. About the Authors
  2. Acknowledgments
  3. Introduction/How To Use The Book
  4. The Five Marketing Habits

  5. Asset #1: The Top Twenty
  6. Asset #2: Contact Management Software
  7. Asset #3: The Marketing Assistant
  8. Asset #4: The Laser Talk
  9. Asset #5: Storytelling
  10. Asset #6: A Professional Web Site
  11. Asset #7: Public Relations Campaign
  12. Asset #8: The Interview
  13. Asset #9: An Accountability Partner
  14. Asset #10: An Annual Marketing Retreat
  15. Asset #11: A Monthly Marketing Plan
  16. Asset #12: Creating a Signature Event
  17. Asset #13: Client Intake Matrix
  18. Asset #14: The Referral Map
  19. Asset #15: A Client Aftercare Program
  20. Asset #16: TOMA: Top Of Mind Awareness
  21. Asset #17: A Tracking System
  22. Asset #18: The Client Centered Office
  23. Asset #19: A Professional Image
  24. Asset #20: A Marketing Time Template
  25. Asset #21: A Thank You System

  26. Final Words
  27. Appendix 1: Bonus Chapter
  28. Appendix 2: Rainmaker Profile
  29. Index
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