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Discrediting Psychological and Neuropsychological Defenses - On Demand CLE

Aaron DeShaw



*Plaintiff-only product

Click here for Access Instructions for On Demand Programs.

Each attendee must register individually as they will need their own login to access the event and comply with CLE requirements.

Defense psychologists, neuropsychologists, and psychiatrists are often used to defend a variety of personal injury cases. They are also commonly used in family law (divorce and child custody) and criminal cases. Additionally, neuropsychological testing is used by the defense in traumatic brain injury cases in an attempt to undermine the plaintiff’s credibility, as well as question the plaintiff’s effort on the tests (and the validity of abnormal test scores). 

To combat these tactics you must understand the basics of psychological and neuropsychological testing. This CLE program will include the following topics:

  • The MMPI and its present variants used in litigation, the MMPI-2 and MMPI-2-RF, and the importance of their differences
  • Injuries that will create abnormal MMPI scale scores
  • Conditions under which the MMPI is invalid
  • The importance of “Comparison Group Data” in the MMPI-2-RF
  • A brief overview of the Fake Bad Scale/Symptom Validity Scale and how to deal with it in trial
  • The difference between psychological tests and neuropsychological tests
  • The issue of effort tests used by defense neuropsychologists
  • The effect of providing multiple effort tests by defense neuropsychologists
  • How a poor/failing effort does not allow the defense neuropsychologist to reach diagnostic conclusions because the testing is invalid

This presentation will also cover valuable tools to use when interpreting neuropsychological testing reports, and how they can support a brain injury case:

  • Determining pre-injury cognitive baseline from post-injury neuropsychological testing
  • Comparing post-injury neuropsychological scores to the client’s pre-injury cognitive capacity
  • Graphically representing the client’s cognitive loss during settlement negotiations and trial
  • Representing individuals with high pre-injury cognitive abilities who have “average” post-injury neuropsychological scores
  • The value of "Advanced Clinical Solutions" in the scoring of the WMS-IV and WAIS-IV testing

Need accreditation in another jurisdiction?  Fill out this form and note Course No. 220628D00

*Plaintiff-only product

Thank you for your interest in a plaintiffs-only product. 

Part of what makes our materials so unique is that many of them are not available to attorneys who do any type of civil defense work, so the training you’re about to purchase is solely available to civil plaintiff and criminal defense attorneys. This product is also not available to the general public. As such, prior to purchase we require all customers to enter into a Binding Agreement with Trial Guides that both ensures that this training reaches its intended audience and also protects us from an intellectual property and distribution (sharing) standpoint. You will be prompted to sign the agreement before you check out.



On Demand Program: 90 minutes

Original Air Date: 06/28/2022


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We will apply for accreditation in your state upon request. Please use the form at the bottom of the product description to request accreditation in your state.

Discrediting Psychological and Neuropsychological Defenses - On Demand CLE - Trial Guides

Discrediting Psychological and Neuropsychological Defenses - On Demand CLE

*Plaintiff-only product

Click here for Access Instructions for On Demand Programs.

Each attendee must register individually as they will need their own login to access the event and comply with CLE requirements.

Defense psychologists, neuropsychologists, and psychiatrists are often used to defend a variety of personal injury cases. They are also commonly used in family law (divorce and child custody) and criminal cases. Additionally, neuropsychological testing is used by the defense in traumatic brain injury cases in an attempt to undermine the plaintiff’s credibility, as well as question the plaintiff’s effort on the tests (and the validity of abnormal test scores). 

To combat these tactics you must understand the basics of psychological and neuropsychological testing. This CLE program will include the following topics:

This presentation will also cover valuable tools to use when interpreting neuropsychological testing reports, and how they can support a brain injury case:

Need accreditation in another jurisdiction?  Fill out this form and note Course No. 220628D00

*Plaintiff-only product

Thank you for your interest in a plaintiffs-only product. 

Part of what makes our materials so unique is that many of them are not available to attorneys who do any type of civil defense work, so the training you’re about to purchase is solely available to civil plaintiff and criminal defense attorneys. This product is also not available to the general public. As such, prior to purchase we require all customers to enter into a Binding Agreement with Trial Guides that both ensures that this training reaches its intended audience and also protects us from an intellectual property and distribution (sharing) standpoint. You will be prompted to sign the agreement before you check out.


  • On Demand Program
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