If taking a case to trial is like running a marathon, then being a trial lawyer is like being an endurance athlete. Lawyers who prepare themselves physically and mentally are more likely to walk into court better prepared and better able to obtain justice for their clients.
Megan Hottman is a professional cyclist and trial lawyer who has represented over 120 cyclists in cases across the country. She is a coauthor on Bicycle Accidents, Crashes, and Collisions: Biomechanical, Engineering, and Legal Aspects, a frequent lecturer, and has been interviewed by the Colorado Trial Lawyer Association’s Trial Talk, the Denver Post, the Washington Times, Outside magazine, and many other publications and media. In this Q&A and interview, Hottman discusses ways to help improve your performance and thereby increase the value of your cases and their outcomes.
Learn about topics such as:
- Why not making wellness a priority means you are probably leaving money on the table in trial
- Why you have to take care of yourself first to do a great job for your clients in the courtroom
- Six things you should do every morning when you are in trial
- Why you need to move and why movement is one of the best things you can do in trial
- Setting aside vices
- Why winging it doesn’t work and why having a routine does
- If you do nothing else, the one thing that will improve your success in trial
- Vitamins, supplements, dehydration, and blood tests
- Things you can start doing today that can change your life and your future trials
- Foundation training
- Goal setting
- How to foster an office culture that encourages employees to also take better care of themselves
- Why you should intentionally restrict your workload
Megan Hottman also answers audience questions such as:
- Tips for trial attorney’s traveling to trial away from home
- How to get a good night sleep before trial
- How to assess your priorities on a day-to-day basis
- Megan’s recipe for full optimization
- How to embrace wellness in an office that is less supportive or has less of a culture of wellness
This interview will introduce you to ways you can use to take better care of yourself, and by doing so, level up your law practice, get better results for your clients, and find more joy in what you are doing.
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*This interview was originally offered to customers as part of our Trial Guides LIVE Fireside Chat series. The content has been re-mastered and edited for brevity and clarity.
Audio Digital Download: 91 minutes; 1st edition (2020)
Publisher: Trial Guides, LLC