Since his groundbreaking book, David Ball on Damages, David Ball has become one of the nation’s foremost experts on damages. Artemis Malekpour later joined his legal consulting group as a partner, and as a contributor to subsequent editions of the book. Now, Artemis and David are working on the next level of damages strategy in a book coauthored by nationally renowned attorneys Nicholas Rowley and Courtney Rowley. Aptly titled Damages: The Evolution, the book will launch in 2022.
In this 90-minute program, David Ball and Artemis Malekpour give you a sneak peek of the topics covered in the new book. They’ve selected six new topics central to strong advocacy:
- Sequencing: presenting harm in the right order
- Fulcrums: learning to identify harms that have greater impact on the jury
- Consistency: identifying your inconsistencies to avoid juror confusion
- Villainy: making the actions of the defendant central to your case
- Ignored Damages: detailing the long-term effects of the harm to your client
- Client Weaknesses: transforming your client’s “warts” to your advantage
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On Demand Program: 98 minutes plus 22 minute Q&A
Original Air Date: 04/15/2020