David Ball on Damages has been highly praised as one of the most informative, useful, and favorite texts by trial lawyers since its release in 2001. David Ball's research and work has changed the way trial lawyers seek out damages in the tort reform environment. Welcome to the Revolution is a recorded webcast with Dr. David Ball in which he divulges new findings he has discovered in his new research since Damages. This course brilliantly covers tort reform, restoring trial advocacy, and tips for jury selection, opening and closing statements, and testimony. Join us and learn how to not only restore a level playing field, but to tilt the field as far our way as tort reform has tilted it against us. For too many years, the insurance companies, chambers of commerce, and corporations have poisoned the justice system. Those years are over. Come join the revolution.
Trial Guides Releases David Ball "Welcome to the Revolution" Lecture on Audio CD

Aaron DeShaw |
NOTE: This is not a live/interactive webcast. This is a recorded lecture. This medium may or may not be approved for CLE credit in your state. Please contact your state bar CLE commission for further details. Trial Guides cannot guarantee your receipt of CLE credit in any state.