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Trial Guides Discover Feature

Melanie Becic |

Trial Guides provides lawyers with the skills they need to find justice for their clients.

We pride ourselves on our commitment to accessibility, clarity, and a unique focus on the practical aspects of legal practice and proven tactics and strategies from many of the top lawyers and legal consultants from around the country.

In our quest to deliver on this promise, we constantly work on creating new products and user experiences to better serve your needs.

When we relaunched our website at the end of 2018, we added a new "Discover" feature to our website to make it easier for you to find what you are looking for. This feature will help you find the best Trial Guides resources for the specific case type or skill set you are looking for, and it features top resources from other publishers. 

We believe that your mastery of the law or practice thereof doesn't, and shouldn't, have to end at passing the bar.

You can find our discover pages from our home screen navigation. On a computer, you will see the "Discover" link at the top of the page.

On a tablet or mobile device, you will find the discover page in the navigation menu at the top right corner of your screen. Once you click on the menu, select "Discover" from the drop-down menu. 

Once on the discover page, you can browse resource lists by case type or skill set.

Be sure to check back as we continue to update our resource lists and add more case types and skill sets to better meet your needs.