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Trial Guides Communities Are Growing Quickly

Trial Guides Communities Are Growing Quickly

Alex Miller |

Trial Guides has several thriving litigation group listserve communities with nearly 1000 members in the first few months.  These groups each have their own document libraries, which offer exclusive content, and/or helpful research or documents.  We wanted customers to know about these new resources to improve your practice.

  • Maximizing Auto Settlements:
    This specialty group focuses on insurance claim practices, and how you can improve your auto settlements.  Recent discussions include using AMA permanent impairment ratings in your cases.  The document library includes exclusive content on how auto insurers determine economic damages in your case using medical bill review software, an exclusive paper on auto insurer profiteering during COVID-19 court closures, pleadings against USAA and Auto Injury Solutions, and much more.  This list is important if you would like to increase your settlements on auto cases.

  • Damages Litigation Group:
    Our most recent community listserve, the Damages Litigation Group community features discussion of the upcoming book Damages Evolving by David Ball, Artemis Malekpour, Courtney Rowley and Nick Rowley on obtaining damages in your cases.  This community also addresses issues covered in David Ball on Damages 3.  David is actively involved in this group.  Recent discussions pertain to obtaining record verdicts and how to hold onto them on appeal.  Artemis, Courtney and Nick are all members and this Community is just heating up.  The document library for this community includes a copy of the first chapter of Damages Evolving.  Customers who have pre-ordered Damages Evolving, or who already purchased a copy of David Ball on Damages 3 from Trial Guides get a significant discount on your first year of membership in this litigation group.

  • Personal Injury Litigation Group
    This is presently a free listserve for all plaintiff lawyers to help them improve their skills in how to handle personal injury cases in settlement, discovery, ADR, litigation and trial.  Recent discussions include; the best choice of doctor for proving non-economic damages in wrongful death cases,  HiTech medical record requests and other inexpensive methods of obtaining client medical records, methods of best addressing loss of consortium in demand letters, and more.  Library entries include motions in limine, and State Farm policy stacking decisions.

  • Trial Guides' Brain Injury Litigation Group
    Not to be confused with AAJ’s "Traumatic Brain Injury Litigation Group,” Trial Guides' group invites lawyers of all levels of expertise handling cases where all varieties of brain damage or dysfunction impact a legal case.  This includes lawyers practicing neurolaw, personal injury, medical malpractice, wrongful death, criminal defense, landlord-tenant, family law, environmental law, defective products, class action and other areas impacted by clients with neurological compromise. Trial Guides’ founder Aaron DeShaw is the chair of this group and is actively involved in this community, and several excellent brain injury lawyers are answering questions about how to handle different issues in cases involving brain and neurological damage.  Recent discussions include recent research on permanency in mTBI cases, increased seizure risk after brain damage, and more. This group’s document library contains links to 449 medical research articles on 100 different aspects of handling cases involving brain damage.

  • Keith Mitnik’s Litigation Methods Group
    This group discusses Keith Mitnik's methods from his best selling books Don’t Eat the Bruises and Deeper Cuts.  Keith is personally involved in this very active group.  Recent topics have included methods for medical malpractice cases, practical ways to discuss biomechanics in trial, how to address client’s past history and much more. Customers who purchased Don’t Eat the Bruises or Deeper Cuts directly from Trial Guides get a significant discount on your first year of membership in this litigation group.

  • Spinal Injury Litigation Group
    Spinal injury claims constitute the most common type of injury in several areas of personal injury practice. This litigation group addresses all aspects of spinal injury claims to improve lawyers understanding and handling of spinal injury cases arising in any type of law, how to document these claims, best practices for your demand letter, how to improve outcomes in mediation, and how to try spinal injury cases.  Recent discussions include problems with the 6th Ed. of the AMA Permanent Impairment Guides, craniocervical instability, CSF leaks in spinal injury cases, white matter changes in the spinal cord after trauma and more. The document library contains case studies, articles on permanent impairment, and Motions in Limine for use in your practice.

  • Defense Expert Intelligence:
    This free legal listserve allows members to discuss defense experts, deposition and cross examination methods and upload documents to the document library for the free use of its members.  It goes well beyond depositions and can include CVs, research links, trial transcripts and more.  This  crowdsourcing of documents helps lawyers share their research and expertise on the defense experts they know best.  If you contribute, you get to use the documents made available by other members for free.
At present, each of these lists are exclusive to plaintiff lawyers unless otherwise specified.  
There are upcoming lists for lawyers, paralegals, and law students ready to launch in the next year, many of which will pertain to Trial Guides products. Check back on our List Servers tab on the Trial Guides web site to keep up to date.