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Trial Consultants vote Eric Oliver’s book #1

Trial Consultants vote Eric Oliver’s book #1

Alex Miller |

The American Society of Trial Consultants recently held a poll of their members on the subject of case themes. The poll asked: “What written work—books or articles—do you most often recommend to your trial lawyer clients to better aid them in constructing and delivering a case theme?”

The one source which professional counseling attorneys across the country listed more than any other, on the subject of persuasive themes and case delivery, was Facts Can't Speak for Themselves, by Eric Oliver.

Trial Guides is proud to announce the release of Eric Oliver’s Facts Can’t Speak for Themselves Audiobook. Now you can listen to cutting edge litigation methods in the car or on your iPod, to learn persuasive trial themes and case delivery strategies for your next trial.

“After 33 years in the courtroom and a few hundred jury trials, what’s new and worth studying? The short answer is Eric Oliver’s book Facts Can’t Speak for Themselves. Read this book and new explanations for your old losses creep into view. Taking advantage of Eric’s insights requires thoughtful reading and some reflective quiet time. It’s nice to be a 57 year old freshman, newer and better.

- William Barton, author of Recovering for Psychological Injuries

“In Steven Spielberg’s classic movie, Amistad, the lawyers who are representing the Africans charged with murdering their captors approach John Quincy Adams, played by Anthony Hopkins to ask him to assist in their defense. Adams at first refuses but asks, ‘What is their story?’ He then explains to the entreating trial lawyers what cases are won by the person who has the strongest story. Eric Oliver has reminded us of this principle and carries it one step further: it takes twelve stories to win. The trial lawyer is not presenting the case to an audience of twelve, but rather to twelve audiences. Eric Oliver’s new book is a must read for all those who desire to improve their persuasive skills.”

- Jim M. Perdue, author of Winning with Stories