The following is an interview conducted with AAJ President Lisa Blue, co-author of the Trial Guides "Little Blue Books" Preparing for Voir Dire and Conducting Voir Dire.
Trial Guides: What made you want to write the Little Blue Book series on Voir Dire?
Lisa Blue: Well as a trial lawyer and a psychologist, my passion is teaching, especially younger lawyers, and hopefully making a significant change in how they practice law, how they think about things.
The following is an interview conducted with AAJ President Lisa Blue, co-author of the Trial Guides "Little Blue Books" Preparing for Voir Dire and Conducting Voir Dire on her participation in the AAJ / Trial Guides two book set Anatomy of a Personal Injury Lawsuit, 4th Ed.
Trial Guides: Why write a chapter in Anatomy of a Personal Injury Lawsuit on mock trials and focus groups?
Lisa Blue: Because I think focus group and mock trials are important for every single case. If your case is important enough to take, it’s important enough to do some type of focus group to find out what your real issues are so you can have a successful result for your client...