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Social Media Ethics: Attorneys’ Affirmative Duty to Address Social Media Evidence

Social Media Legal Ethics CLE

Alex Miller |

Social Media Ethics Live Webinar
60-Minute Continuing Legal Education Webinar
December 5th, 2012

Featuring John Patzakis

Introducing a new live webinar regarding social media ethics and eDiscovery, with John Patzakis of X-1 Discovery on December 5, 2012.

Have you heard about the lawyer who was sanctioned $542,000 for instructing his client to “clean up” his Facebook page? What other ethical traps await lawyers in this new era of social networking and electronic communications?

Social media evidence is relevant to just about any type of civil and criminal case and must be routinely addressed in discovery. The lawyer who ignores online resources does so at his or her own peril. And in an age where 65 percent of adult Americans have at least one social networking profile, how competent or diligent is the lawyer who fails to take information from social networking sites into account? This information can be of great value for plaintiffs’ counsel seeking to identify witnesses or gain other key evidence and insight into their cases.

In this webinar, you will:

  • Learn about new technologies that you can use to find witnesses tothe event
  • Learn about recent case law and legal ethics opinions concerning social media discovery
  • Gain insight into online investigation as a key part of jury selection
  • Hear relevant case studies
  • Learn about emerging best practices for social media discovery