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Rick Friedman on Becoming a Trial Lawyer reviewed in Plaintiff Magazine

Rick Friedman on Becoming a Trial Lawyer reviewed in Plaintiff Magazine

Aaron DeShaw |

Recently, California family lawyer Rick Friedling reviewed the new Trial Guides book Becoming a Lawyer in Plaintiff magazine in California.

"This book could have justifiably been subtitled 'the Zen of lawyering.' On Becoming a Trial Lawyer is not a new-age graphic massage for the soul; it is a nuts-and-bolts manual of useful information divided into three main parts: 1, 'Entering the Jungle,' presenting the seminal questions as to whether the reader has 'what it takes' to become and to remain a trial lawyer – 'the kind who represents people in court' – as opposed to corporate or transactional or government litigators – and providing basic tools on how to get the necessary knowledge and skill; 2, 'Traps in the Jungle,' identifying common errors – most of which Rick would say he has committed so you don't have to; and 3, 'At Home in the Jungle,' addressing the emotional and psychological challenges facing the trial lawyer – finding and maintaining that internal 'golden ratio.'"

—from attorney Rick Friedling's review