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New Wrongful Death Closing Argument CD

New Wrongful Death Closing Argument CD

Alex Miller |

Trial Guides is announcing a new Summation of a Wrongful Death Case Audio recording, featuring Robert Hall, noted wrongful death attorney and author of Grief and Loss: Identifying and Proving Damages in Wrongful Death Cases. This audio recording provides an important learning tool: a recording of a wrongful death summation delivered by Hall himself. This 40 minute closing argument comes from the case of a young woman killed in an auto accident. The medical and funeral expenses were minimal, yet the jury delivered a million dollar verdict for the family's emotional damages.

If you've read Grief and Loss, discover in this closing argument how delivery, poise, and passion can communicate to a jury the concepts contained in the book. Hall's summation exemplifies how a death in the family is a death of the family, how the loss of a loved one is a lifelong life-altering experience, and how to explain to jurors why they must put a monetary value on death.