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David Ball to Speak at AAJ CLE on Rules of the Road

David Ball to Speak at AAJ CLE on Rules of the Road

Alex Miller |

The American Association for Justice (AAJ) is offering a seminar based on the Trial Guides' best selling book Rules of the Road: A Plaintiff Lawyer's Guide to Proving Liability by Rick Friedman and Patrick Malone.

Here are a few words on the upcoming CLE from leading trial consultant David Ball:

"Trial Lawyers have asked me, 'Why do I want you to come to AAJ's RULES OF THE ROAD seminar in September?'

Two reasons:

First, you'll learn to couch every defendant bad act within rules that the defendant has to agree with, thus rendering themselves rules-breakers. It's as good as a confession. And it works in every case. So even the hardest cases, large or small, your chances of prevailing on negligence skyrocket. This is the strongest possible tool to deal with those powerful tort-'reform' jurors who end up on every jury no matter how well you do in voir dire. Those jurors love rules and will be guided by them. So when you learn how to develop and use the rules that will bring those jurors to your side, you will start winning even the hardest of negligence battles - despite the most powerful anti-plaintiff biases.

Second, this seminar will teach you how to get jurors to closely follow crucial rules - such as preponderance, damages calculations, and removal of improper considerations from deliberations.

Over the next few years, two classifications of plaintiff's attorneys will emerge: those who know how to use the methods to be taught at this seminar, and those who ignored them. The former will be winning "unwinnable" cases and forever grateful to Malone and Friedman for developing this system. The latter? Good luck.

Rules of the Road works for every kind of case, not just personal injury. As a juror last week in a criminal trial, I easily turned a passionately recalcitrant jury the way I wanted them to go solely by use of these methods.

If you care about the quality of your work, you will make every effort to get to this seminar. Two quick days in September. I'll be there with Pat Malone, one of the system's developers, along with an outstanding faculty to explain and demonstrate, answer your questions, incorporate your ideas, and get you well on the road to mastering this system.

Buckhead in Atlanta. Grand Hyatt Hotel. Two brief days: 9/15-16. Great learning surrounded by some of the best restaurants in the country.

See you there.

David Ball"

Buy your copy of Rules of the Road today.