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David Ball Focus Groups Video with Forms

David Ball Focus Groups Video with Forms

Alex Miller |

Trial Guides is proud to announce David Ball’s new Focus Groups DVD set.

David Ball and his partners Debra Miller and Artemis Malekpour explain and show you, step-by-step, how to set up, conduct, and analyze your own high quality focus jury research. Uniquely, they even provide clear instructions for how you can apply the focus jurors’ responses to your case. This will keep you from misinterpreting the results, and will help you maximize the value of the research even beyond what many jury consultants normally provide.

The DVD also instructs how to use your focus group to decide whether or not to settle the case. Both you and your paralegal will want to watch these DVD’s carefully. Most cases can’t justify the expense of good jury consultants to do focus groups. Now for a fraction of the cost you can do your own.

As every good trial consultant knows, there is no better preparation than focus groups for taking your case to mediation or a real jury. You will know far better how to do jury selection, what to say in opening, how to theme and present your entire case, and exactly what needs to be dealt with in closing. No one helps you more than research jurors reacting in advance to your case.

The format of research this DVD teaches is practical for even small law offices on tiny budgets. In fact, the entire project can be facilitated, if necessary, by just one person.

Focus Groups: How to do Your Own Jury Research includes complete digital files of the necessary documents and juror response forms. All you do is download them, adapt them to your case, and use. 

Well run and properly analyzed focus groups are no longer just for potentially large cases. With this DVD set, they are for almost every case you do. The set will pay for itself many times, even the first time you use it.

Get your copy of Focus Groups today.