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Considering AI Demand Letters for Settlement?

Alex Miller |

With more than 99% of all personal injury cases being settled prior to verdict, writing demand letters is the primary financial activity of most personal injury law firms.  We don't presently cover settlement or demand letters much at Trial Guides, even though our first several products educated lawyers about the Colossus insurance software and the impact on insurance claim practices. 

But for those lawyers who are settling a larger volume of auto claims, the creation of AI demand letter platforms may be worth considering.  Not necessarily for generating content, but for consistently maximizing the settlement offer prior to filing for trial.

For mid-volume and larger volume personal injury practices, optimizing a law firm’s demand letters is key to a law firm’s prosperity and growth.  AI can help law firms achieve this objective if the AI is used correctly.  There are presently three companies claiming to offer AI demand letter services; Settlement Intelligence, EvenUp and FileVine.  These three differ significantly in the expertise incorporated in them, and what they offer to licensees. So, lawyers should carefully consider their choices before committing to one platform over another.  To learn more, Settlement Intelligence has posted a comprehensive article discussing many issues to consider.

The article provides an extensive overview of these AI Demand Letter programs, the pros and cons of using these systems at your law firm, and how they are already being successfully used by solo lawyers to large high volume personal injury law firms to improve settlement offers.