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Colossus: What Every Physician Needs to Know - Updated Version Available

Colossus: What Every Physician Needs to Know - Updated Version Available

Alex Miller |

Colossus: What Every Physician Needs to Know is the definitive resource for personal injury doctors on the insurance claims process involving their patients.  

The book provides physicians unprecedented insights on the process used by insurance companies when dealing with personal injury cases. The primary focus of this book is auto and premises liability cases that will be analyzed by insurance bodily injury claims assessment software including Colossus, Claim Outcome Advisor and InjuryIQ.

Presently, nearly 70% of auto accident cases in the U.S. are evaluated by bodily injury claims assessment software. The book provides physicians an insider’s view of the medical and legal aspects of the programs used by 16 of the Top 20 auto insurance companies in the US. In states which have no PIP / Medpay, this book can make the difference between the physician's office getting paid appropriately for a case, or not.

The book combines expert guidance and resources you can use to properly document personal injury cases. It includes an exhaustive list of the companies using the programs, the most extensive list available of the "factors" used by the programs to determine case value, and step-by-step procedures on writing narrative reports formatted for claims assessment software.

The new version is covered in a professional hardback binder and is considerably longer than the prior paperback edition at 457 pages.  This book does not include the new Colossus: Physician Forms CD.