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Black Lives Matter: A Message from Our Founder

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These are challenging times, and they become more so every day. As Americans, we need to take the time to recognize those hurting within the Black community and help create solutions for a better future.

It is my hope that we can reflect on the racism and injustice affecting our Black brothers and sisters worldwide. And it is my hope that our legal community will have meaningful internal discussions, and work to address how we can do our part to promote justice and equality in our communities. 

To that end, Trial Guides will donate 100 percent of our profits on Friday, June 5th, to the Equal Justice Initiative, the National Police Accountability Projectand the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund. In the hope that you are able to join me in this action, there are links to each of these organizations below. 

While Trial Guides is not an inherently political company, I believe the legal community has a responsibility to confront racism head-on, and work on ways to further equality and justice. We simply cannot return to the status quo, not when the status quo is so clearly broken. This moment can be a significant opportunity for change, if we all do our part.
Thank you,

—Aaron DeShaw


The Equal Justice Initiative

The National Police Accountability Project

The NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund