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ATLA Motor Vehicle Collision Section publishes on Aaron DeShaw's Colossus Text

ATLA Motor Vehicle Collision Section publishes on Aaron DeShaw's Colossus Text

Alex Miller |

The Association of Trial Lawyers of America ("ATLA") newsletter of the Motor Vehicle Collision, Highway & Premises Liability Section, published the article "Soft Tissue Cases in Colossus" in its Summer 2005 edition.

The article is based on our book Colossus: What Every Trial Lawyer Needs to Know, by Dr. Aaron DeShaw, Esq., the definitive text on settling automobile claims with insurers using bodily injury claims software for the evaluation of claims.  The book is supplemented by the Colossus: Legal Forms CD.

DeShaw also has a video for lawyers on writing demand letters optimized for the bodily injury claims evaluation.