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Announcing Trial Guides' iPad App

Trial Guides iPad App

Alex Miller |

Trial Guides revolutionized the practice of law by providing you with products that help you win.  In the process, we did away with mind-numbing $500 binder books with expensive annual updates.  

We'd like to completely change everything...again.

Introducing the Trial Guides iPad app.  The app provides a custom made application for lawyers.  It provides an excellent quality reader app for eBooks and eArticles, a video viewer, and a playback system for audio recordings. Every Trial Guides product can now be purchased online with immediate delivery.  Why?  With AAJ contracting to provide five or more new books per year, and approximately 1000 articles from prior conference papers and Trial Magazine articles, we wanted to have a cutting edge app to allow immediate access to information you need for your next motion, hearing or trial.

The Trial Guides iPad app is particularly helpful for international lawyers.  Using the app you can avoid expensive shipping and importation tariffs.

We are also integrating the iWin note system.  This allows you to highlight certain sections of an eBook or eArticle and capture both the highlighted section as well as your notes on that section.  You can then assign it to a folder of your designation.  You can create folders for a specific client case, a type of case, or a skill set (such as voir dire or cross examination.)  The note system also allows you to do the same in audio and video recordings, providing you a way to keep notes on the audio or video and then go back to that exact section to review it again.

The Trial Guides iPad app was developed with Small Society, designers of iPhone and iPad apps for the Obama 2008 campaign, Amazon, Starbucks and more.  Trial Guides undertook this project just after signing our contract with the American Association for Justice, and expect an incredible amount of books, articles and recordings will be available on the app once these are delivered by AAJ. This project was a massive time and financial investment for Trial Guides, and was personally overseen by Trial Guides founder Aaron DeShaw.