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Allstate Insurance Bad Faith Webinar

Aaron DeShaw |

This insurance bad faith CLE webinar for lawyers features David Berardinelli, author of From Good Hands to Boxing Gloves, and Amy Bach, Director of United Policyholders. 

After years of persistence by trial lawyer David Berardinelli, Allstate was finally forced to release the infamous McKinsey Documents unprotected. These documents show how Allstate adopted a business model to “deny, delay and defend” legitimate claims. It also shows how claims were broken down into “segments” and handled according to whether they involved “minor impact,” should be investigated for fraud, or should be run through Colossus.

In this Trial Guides CLE webinar, David Berardinelli and Amy Bach of United Policyholders cover the McKinsey slides in depth, and discuss how the information they contain can be used to in insurance bad faith cases against Allstate. This exclusive webinar is available to plaintiff attorneys only.

Here is what others have said about Berardinelli's research on Allstate:

In great detail, the slides show how [Allstate] shareholders could profit from the new way of handling claims, according to Berardinelli’s notes. Based on public financial reports, Berardinelli estimates that Allstate has made at least $15 billion from CCPR by fighting minor claims, which make up the bulk of payouts. -Lexington Herald-Leader, "Allstate accused of cheating claimants," July 9, 2006

Through many years of intense litigation against Allstate, Mr. Berardinelli has captured the essence of Allstate’s, and for that matter, the entire insurance claims industry’s, business practices. He describes and documents the Zero Sum Game. For anyone engaged in bad faith litigation against either Allstate or any insurer, this book provides essential material and concepts which must be understood in order to adequately represent consumers victimized in the insurance claims process. -Lawrence A. Anderson, President, Montana Trial Lawyers Association

"It is about time that the truth be told! --Shannon Kmatz, former Allstate adjuster

Insurance Bad Faith CLE (Webinar)

October 17, 2008
Live webcast 12-2pm ET, 9-11am PT
Featured Speakers: David Berardinelli and Amy Bach