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2024 Trial Guides Desk Calendars Now Available

Trial Guides Desk Calendar for Trial Lawyers

Aaron DeShaw |

The Desk Calendar for Trial Lawyers

Trial Guides is proud to announce the new 2024 Trial Guides desk calendar. There are only a few hundred of these printed each year, and they go quickly.

The Background of Trial Guides' Desk Calendar for Trial Lawyers

These desk calendars help inspire lawyers every day by providing valuable insights on how to improve your trial outcomes. We've been creating desk calendars each year for the past 20 years, and they have become a well loved gift for trial lawyers. Some lawyers tear off the ones they like best and post them on their desk or wall to inspire them every day.

For the past two years, trial great Michael Leizerman provides the "Tip of the Day" reading and discussing the quote, often including a discussion with the author.

We've worked especially hard this year to find thought provoking quotes from the thousands of quotes culled from over 400 books, videos, audio recordings and webinars over the past 20 years. A new feature this year - if you are interested in learning more about the topic of the quote, just turn the page over and there is a QR code for the book or video.
Get your 2024 Trial Guides quote calendar today before we sell out.