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$1 Million Soft Tissue Verdict

$1 Million Soft Tissue Verdict

Alex Miller |

Not all cases appear to be great cases. In fact, most of your cases may not look like great cases to other lawyers. That doesn't mean you can't get great verdicts by using the technique Rick Friedman outlines in Polarizing the Case.

Trial Guides want to recognize a trial lawyer who recently obtained an exceptional outcome using the "Polarizing" technique. Stefanie Selden of Colorado, tried a soft tissue case with only $40,000 in past medical bills incurred over more than four years. The defense doctor hinted at malingering, agreeing that the plaintiff had pain, but attributing it to preexisting degenerative disc disease. Using the "Polarizing" technique, Ms. Selden was able to force the defense doctor to take a position, and actually used him to establish the chronology of the plaintiff's treatment. Further, she argued that the only defense offered by opposing counsel was that her client was faking. Given the clear polarization of the case, the jurors recognized the plaintiff was telling the truth and returned a verdict, with costs and interest of $1million.

Trial Guides is proud to present the second printing of Rick Friedman's best-selling book Polarizing the Case. Please note that while the book has a new and improved cover featuring the author, the content is unchanged.

Regardless of whether you handle mild, moderate or catastrophic injury cases, insurers frequently call your client a malingerer, or claim they have a type of somatoform disorder.  Polarizing the Case teaches you how to discredit that common insurance defense.  Called "the bible for anyone trying cases in today's climate" by Inner Circle member Brian Panish, Polarizing the Case is a trial text every trial lawyer must own and understand before their next trial.

Buy your copy of Polarizing the Case today.