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Discrediting the Fake Bad Scale - On Demand

Aaron DeShaw



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*Plaintiff's Only Product

Malingering and somatoform disorder defenses are commonly used against legitimate injuries. Insurers and defense doctors like to infer that your client is a liar or is exaggerating their symptoms. In many cases, the defense relies upon 43 questions from the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI), called the “Fake Bad Scale” or “Symptom Validity Scale,” to allege that they can identify malingering or symptom magnification. This test, created by a defense psychologist, has since been used to discredit injury claims since 1991. But what if this test, represented as valid science to jurors, is actually junk that is inadmissible at trial?

In this presentation, Trial Guides founder and noted brain injury lawyer, Aaron DeShaw, provides 12 reasons why the Fake Bad Scale is not valid and how you can either strike the test through motions, or expose the defense doctor for using junk science in an attempt to mislead the jury. DeShaw teaches the basis to strike, and how to approach a cross-examination of the defense neuropsychologist or psychiatrist in deposition and trial.

*Plaintiff-only product

Thank you for your interest in a plaintiffs-only product. 

Part of what makes our materials so unique is that many of them are not available to attorneys who do any type of civil defense work, so the training you’re about to purchase is solely available to civil plaintiff and criminal defense attorneys. This product is also not available to the general public. As such, prior to purchase we require all customers to enter into a Binding Agreement with Trial Guides that both ensures that this training reaches its intended audience and also protects us from an intellectual property and distribution (sharing) standpoint. You will be prompted to sign the agreement before you check out.



On Demand Program: 72 minutes plus 23 minutes of Q&A

Original Air Date: 09/23/2020

Discrediting the Fake Bad Scale - On Demand - Trial Guides

Discrediting the Fake Bad Scale - On Demand


Click here for Access Instructions for On Demand Programs. 

Each user must register individually as they will need their own login to access the program.

*Plaintiff's Only Product

Malingering and somatoform disorder defenses are commonly used against legitimate injuries. Insurers and defense doctors like to infer that your client is a liar or is exaggerating their symptoms. In many cases, the defense relies upon 43 questions from the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI), called the “Fake Bad Scale” or “Symptom Validity Scale,” to allege that they can identify malingering or symptom magnification. This test, created by a defense psychologist, has since been used to discredit injury claims since 1991. But what if this test, represented as valid science to jurors, is actually junk that is inadmissible at trial?

In this presentation, Trial Guides founder and noted brain injury lawyer, Aaron DeShaw, provides 12 reasons why the Fake Bad Scale is not valid and how you can either strike the test through motions, or expose the defense doctor for using junk science in an attempt to mislead the jury. DeShaw teaches the basis to strike, and how to approach a cross-examination of the defense neuropsychologist or psychiatrist in deposition and trial.

*Plaintiff-only product

Thank you for your interest in a plaintiffs-only product. 

Part of what makes our materials so unique is that many of them are not available to attorneys who do any type of civil defense work, so the training you’re about to purchase is solely available to civil plaintiff and criminal defense attorneys. This product is also not available to the general public. As such, prior to purchase we require all customers to enter into a Binding Agreement with Trial Guides that both ensures that this training reaches its intended audience and also protects us from an intellectual property and distribution (sharing) standpoint. You will be prompted to sign the agreement before you check out.


  • On Demand Program
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