Cross Examination is often considered the most exciting and intense part of a trial. Whether you practice in the area of personal injury, business litigation, domestic relations, toxic torts, intellectual property litigation, criminal law, or another area of law, knowing how to do a great cross examination is very important. There are many theories on how to best perform a cross examination, and many books have been written on the topic. Methods used in one area of law (in criminal defense for example) may not work well at all in another (such as plaintiff personal injury cases.) In order to master cross examination, you should know each approach and apply the best one depending upon the type of case, the witness, and the content of the witnesses’ testimony on direct.
Here are the Top 10 products for lawyers we suggest if you want to conduct case winning cross examinations.
Top 10 Cross Examination Resources for Lawyers
The list below focuses on specific skills, knowledge and methods that will help you succeed in cross examination. To see all products sold by Trial Guides that relate to cross examination, please click the button at the bottom of the page.