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Doctors Handling Personal Injury Cases

As the nation’s leading litigation publisher, Trial Guides has a great deal it can share with doctors treating personal injury cases.

With injury and death rates on the roads increasing due to distracted driving, the number of injuries from motor vehicle crashes is increasing substantially. According to the USDOT, between 2014 and 2015 as distracted driving became a more serious problem in America, there was an annual increase in traffic deaths of 7.2% - the largest annual percentage increase in 50 years. In recent years, pedestrian injuries due to vehicles have increased 9.0% in one year to the highest rate since 1990, SUV occupant injuries have increased 10.1%, and bicycle injuries have increased 12.2% in one year. According to USDOT and NHTSA, nationwide approximately 2,400,000 injuries were sustained as a result of motor vehicle collisions. Traffic crashes are consistently a leading cause of injury for the American public.

Personal injury is a stimulating field of practice offering a broad diversity of injury types and severities, room for intellectual stimulation, interaction with the legal field, and good reimbursement rates. In fact, unlike most fields of practice, PI reimbursement rates are increasing by 8 percent per year nationally.

But to attract personal injury patient referrals, build your practice and create a strong reputation in your community, you must invest in learning about personal injury diagnosis and care, reviewing the research on traumatic injuries, and understanding the legal and insurance claims aspect of personal injury claims.

Trial Guides provides the best education for doctors in the personal injury field. As the nation's leading publisher on litigation, with resources written by America's top trial lawyers, trial consultants, insurance claim experts, and expert witnesses, the company is in a unique position to offer you something that no one else offers—real insight about the many facets of successfully handling personal injury cases. These materials will help you be the leader in your community, thereby helping you build a successful PI practice.

Top 7 Resources for Doctors Handling Personal Injury Cases

The list below contains our top recommended resources for doctors treating personal injury cases. To see all products sold by Trial Guides that relate to doctors handling personal injury cases, please click the button at the bottom of the page.

Recommended Resources

Mastering Personal Injury Cases - Trial Guides

Mastering Personal Injury Cases

A Physician Conference Recording

Mastering Personal Injury Cases - A Physician Conference Recording from Trial Guides on Vimeo.    In this presentation, two of the top motor vehicle trial lawyers in America teach doctors what no other personal injury seminar for doctors has considered before. Containing highlights from Trial Guides’ intensive Personal Injury Conference for Doctors, this DVD set gives a comprehensive understanding of the insurance and legal issues involved with motor vehicle cases. ...

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Mastering Motor Vehicle Cases - Trial Guides

Mastering Motor Vehicle Cases

This DVD set contains highlights from the first advanced Trial Guides CLE seminar dedicated to motor vehicle cases. It features epidemiologist/crash reconstructionist Dr. Arthur Croft, researcher Dr. Paul Ivancic, and trial lawyer Dr. Aaron DeShaw. In addition to handling a wide variety of issues related to injury causation, accident reconstruction, and typical defenses related to all types of auto cases, the set also addresses challenges specific to minor impact cases. It provides an advanced and in-depth consideration of motor vehicle cases that will take you from the fundamentals of insurance claims settlement and through more advanced topics. This set will give you the information necessary to get your clients fair compensation for their losses and overcome the defe...

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Preparing for a Defense Medical Exam - Trial Guides

Preparing for a Defense Medical Exam

It's time to see the doctor. But this one is not a friendly treating doctor. This one was hired by the insurance company or a defense lawyer to either terminate your client's care or say that he wasn't really injured. This doctor is not on your side. This video teaches your injured clients about the tricks played by defense doctors in their efforts to call into question your clients' honesty, prevent them from obtaining the treatment they need, and destroy their insurance claim. This instructional video is hosted by Karen Koehler (Litigating Minor Impact Soft Tissue Cases), one of the United States' leading trial lawyers. She will provide clear and simple instructions for your clients about the defense medical examination process and teach them how to avoid the...

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AMA Guides to the Evaluation of Permanent Impairment

Fifth Edition

The AMA Guides is the standard of care for determining permanent impairment.  Owning the book, and reviewing the ways in which permanent impairment ratings are determined, allows you to understand when a patient has an injury or symptoms that result in a permanent impairment rating.  Secondarily, the book is very helpful when preparing to testify about the defense doctor’s determination that there is no permanent impairment.  In many cases the defense doctor has failed to follow the standard of care of reviewing the AMA Guides when they determined your patient had no permanent impairment.  Be prepared for the defense to say that the AMA Guides only pertain to workers compensation claims – something expressly disproved in the opening chapters of the Guides.

Please note: We do not recommend the AMA Guides to the Evaluation of Permanent Impairment, 6th Edition, both because auto insurers continue to use the 5th Edition, and because the 6th Edition is sufficiently controversial and flawed, that it should not be admissible in trial.

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Whiplash Injuries

The Cervical Acceleration/Deceleration Syndrome, Third Edition

This is the first, and perhaps the most notable book on traumatic spinal injuries ever written for doctors. It is only low on our list as the 3rd Edition is out of print and at this point somewhat dated.  If you can find a copy you should buy it. If not, the best alternative is Dr. Croft’s more recent book Whiplash and Mild Traumatic Brain Injuries discussed above. 

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