While most trial lawyers understand they must be authentic and credible (or "real") to succeed, few can articulate exactly how to embody such qualities in their practice. In this illuminating webinar, the creators of The Zen Lawyer Workshop & Retreat—trial lawyer Michael Leizerman, communications expert Joshua Karton, and Zen Buddhist abbot Jay Rinsen Weik—share insights from their decade-long work helping attorneys develop essential skills. You'll discover ways to create better case outcomes and build more fulfilling attorney-client relationships.
The legal process can be a healing journey for clients, but only when attorneys create the right environment. This webinar will also explore how litigation can become therapeutic when lawyers properly guide clients through their trauma, identify true client goals (rather than assume them), and prepare clients effectively for difficult processes like depositions.
Leizerman, Karton, and Weik will examine common mistakes attorneys make in client interactions and provide practical remedies that enhance client outcomes and attorney well-being. Join them on Wednesday, April 9, for a 90-minute webinar to learn actionable techniques for transforming client relationships and bringing greater meaning to your legal practice.